About Havan
Fire or agni is one of the five
manifestations of life. In ceremonies like Wedding, birth,
festivals etc., the fire is lit symbolizing the presence of God. Havan is a sacred fire ritual that accepts our offerings and sacrifice. The sacred fire acts as a link
between man's consciousness and the cosmic consciousness. The fire also
has the ability to convert the physical components (offerings that
symbolize the sacrifice into the fire) into the psychic components as
offering to the deities presiding over the Havan.
Havan is an age-old sacred rituals to
propitiate various deities using the sacred fire as a medium for the
attainment of various wishes and boons in the materialistic and the
spiritual worlds.
We do Havan to dispel the negative
energies from our minds; to destroy negative life patterns; to
annihilate negative effects and evils of others.
Havan also brings high energies into our
minds and body thereby paving way for the positive thoughts, actions
etc. to enter into our life. They help in re-vitalizing the three
energies in our body (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) and help in
maintaining the energy balance.
Havan also helps in propitiation of
deities responsible for the attainment of various virtues and prosperity and help in fulfillment of materialistic and physical
In short Havan does the following: |
1. |
Invokes blessings and grace of God in our lives
2. |
Awakens our auspicious energies.
3. |
Cleanses our body and mind and
4. |
Cleanses the atmosphere.
How is Havan performed?
A clean place is selected for the Havan.
Participants should shower, wear clean clothes and sit in easy
postures. After prayers, fire is lit and Vedic Mantras are
chanted and offerings are made to God. Singing of Bhajans symbolizes the end of the ceremony when Prasad is offered to the
How often should we perform Havan?
To start with, each person should perform Havan at least once a year on their birthdays. |
What items are needed for Havan?
Following is a sample list
of items required. Additional items may be needed for special
occasions. Puja and Havan Ceremony items can be supplied.
These items are also available separately and can be shipped to
your destination.
1. Pure Ghee 1/3 Lb.
2. Havan Samagri one packet.
3. Camphor few small tablets.
4. Cotton wool.
5. Dry, clean, small size fire wood.
6. Match Box.
7. Napkins.
8. Copper or steel Glasses with water.
9. Copper or steel lota with water.
10. Long Spoon for Ghee. |
11. Four small pates.
12. Fresh Flowers.
13 Home Made Prasaad or Ladoo 1 Lb.
14. Kesar (Saffron).
15. Uncooked rice (in a small plate).
16. One clean plate.
17. Mauli (Red Cotton Thread).
18. Havan Kund.
19. Kitchen Foil one Packet.
20. One Coconut. |